How To Start Albion Online EU Server

Author: shwarzfit
2024-06-02 - general

Hello everyone, Albion Online EU server started and so many new players are coming. There are so many good starting strategies in Albion Online and I’m gonna explain to you how I started and developed quickly.

First Step: Tutorial island

In first day Albion Online is most hardest day because you need to have every penny so you need to make good decisions. There will be quest for crafting your own gears and you should think what you wanna play before craft. If you want to play magic weapons such as Fire Staff or Frost staff, craft leather/cloth helmet, cloth armor and plate boots. After you finish tutorial, do not forget to buy one or two mule from marketplace before you leaving tutorial. You gonna sell them outside and make your first profits!

Second Step: How to make silver in early game

In the early phase of game, earning silver is little bit hard but not impossible if you know what to do. There are several things that you can make silver in Albion and I’m gonna explain to you one of them which is gather and refine. I know so many people doesnt like gathering and Im one of them but we have to do it to earn some silver in the early game. I have done it untill I reached 15K gather fame and I stopped. I sold everything I have and started to think what should I refine. I dont want to dive deep refining because Im gonna publish another detailed blog about refining. What i did is, I bought t2 hides from bridgewatch and transported them with my t3 transport ox to Martlock, and refine there. I sold my leathers in Martlock just because i needed to quick cashflow so I teleported to bridgewatch again and did the same cycle. After couple of times I stopped selling my t2 leathers and I bought t3 hides from bridgewatch, and started to refining t3 leathers. In couple of hours I had earn my first million silver with only this strategy.

Third Step: How to make fame farm

Most of people starting to fame farm directly but I don’t recommend it because if you die, you need to have economy to buy more items. So I had couple of millions silver just before i started to fame farm. Firstly, in yellow zones i oppened my t4 gears by killing mobs. After I reach t4 in all my items, i directly went to black zone and looking for mists. In the mists, if you careful enough its really hard to die while you are doing fame farm. What i meant by careful is, do not enter the camps, do not try to get chests, do not follow cores etc. Just farm the mobs and keep your horse with you just in case ganking, you will be able to jump in your horse and go away. Your first goal in the mists should be reach the 50k points by releasing blue things. After that you can open city of Brecilian and you ll easy access to mists and ava roads for more fame farm.

Thats pretty much is it. That’s how I started to play and things went well. If you have any questions, you can reach me out via our discord. Discord link is below page. Enjoy your Albion Journey!


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© 2023 by Shwarzfit


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